Lesson Plan for B.A. Pass Course 6th Semester

Feb to May 2024

 Subject: Mathematics

Paper: Special function and integral transformation


Feb Week 2

Power series and its use in solving differential equation, beta and gamma function with their properties


Feb Week 3

Bessel equation, Bessels function and its properties



Feb Week 4

Convergence recurrence and orthogonality of Bessel function


March Week 1

Legendre and Hermite functions, their recurrence and generating function



March Week 2

Orthogonality of Legendre and Hermite polynomial, Rodrigue formula for both the polynomials

March Week 3

Laplace integral representation of legendre polynomial, doubts regarding these two polynomials

March Week 4



April Week 1

Laplace transformation and its linearity property, existence theorem, shifting theorem



April Week 2

Laplace transform of derivatives and integrals, differentiation and integration of Laplace transformations



April Week 3

Convolution theorem, inverse Laplace transformation

Inverse Laplace transformation of derivative and integrals

April Week 4

Solution of ordinary differential equation using Laplace transformation, fourier transformation and its linearity property

May Week 1

Shifting and modulation of Fourier transform, convolution theorem and related problems

May Week 2

Parseval identity for Fourier transform, solution of ordinary differential equation using Fourier transform

May Week 3




Lesson Plan for B.A. Pass Course 6th Semester

                                   (Feb to May 2024)

 Subject: Mathematics

Paper: Linear Algebra


Feb Week 2

Vector Space Definition and Examples, Subspaces and related theorems

Feb Week 3

Linear sum and direct sum of subspaces, conditions on a vector space to be direct sum, Linear span of vectors


Feb Week 4

Linearly independent and dependent sets with related theorems

March Week 1

Basis and dimension of a vector space, Existence theorem for a finitely dimension vector space

March Week 2

Invariance of number of elements in basis, Quotient space and its dimension

March Week 3

Linear transformations, vector space of all linear transformation on V, Dual and bidual spaces

March Week 4



April Week 1

Fundamental theorem on vector space, Rank-nullity theorem

April Week 2

Algebra of linear transformations, singular and non-singular linear transformations

April Week 3

Matrix of a linear transformation, change in matrix for change in basis

April Week 4

Characteristic polynomial of linear transformation, similar matrices, diagonalization

May Week 1

Inner product space, Cauchy Schwartz inequality, orthogonal sets

May Week 2

Bessel’s inequality, Gram Schmidt orthogonalization process, Adjoint and normal operators

May Week 3








 Lesson Plan for B.A. Pass Course 2nd Semester

                                   (Feb to May 2024)

 Subject: Mathematics

Paper: Number Theory


Feb Week 2

Divisibility, greatest common divisor, least common multiple and related theorems

Feb Week 3

Prime and composite numbers, Linear congruences


Feb Week 4

Fermat’s and Wilson’s theorems and related examples

March Week 1

Euler’s phi function, Complete and reduce residue system modulo m

March Week 2

Euler’s generalization of Fermat’s theorem, Chinese Remainder Theorem

March Week 3

Quadratic residue, Legender symbol, Gauss Lemma

March Week 4



April Week 1

Greatest Integer Function, divisor function, sum function

April Week 2

Application of divisor function, sum function, Test

April Week 3

De Moivre’s theorem and its application

April Week 4

Expansion of trigonometric function, Test

May Week 1

Direct circular and hyperbolic function,  their properties

May Week 2

Logarithm of a complex number, Gregory’s series, summation of trigonometric series

May Week 3








 Lesson Plan


Name of Assistant Professor

Sonu Rani

Class and Semester

B.A. Semester-6 th




Real and Complex Analysis



Week -  1

Jacobians, Beta and Gama functions.

Week – 2

Double and Triple integrals, Dirichlets integrals.

Week – 3

change of order of integration in double integrals.

Week – 4

Fourier’s series: Fourier expansion of piecewise monotonic functions,


Week - 1

Properties of Fourier Co-efficients, Dirichlet’s conditions,

Week – 2

Parseval’s identity for Fourier series, Fourier series for even and odd functions,

Half range series, Change of Intervals

Week – 3

Extended Complex Plane, Stereographic projection, continuity & differentiability of complex functions

Week – 4




Week -1

Analytic functions, Mappings by elementary functions: Translation, rotation, Magnification and Inversion.

Week – 2

Conformal Mappings, Mobius transformations.

Week – 3

Fixed pints, Cross ratio, Inverse Points and critical mappings.

Week – 4



 Lesson Plan for B.A. Pass Course 6th Semester

Feb to May 2024

 Subject: Mathematics

Paper: Special function and integral transformation


Feb Week 2

Power series and its use in solving differential equation, beta and gamma function with their properties


Feb Week 3

Bessel equation, Bessels function and its properties



Feb Week 4

Convergence recurrence and orthogonality of Bessel function


March Week 1

Legendre and Hermite functions, their recurrence and generating function



March Week 2

Orthogonality of Legendre and Hermite polynomial, Rodrigue formula for both the polynomials

March Week 3

Laplace integral representation of legendre polynomial, doubts regarding these two polynomials

March Week 4



April Week 1

Laplace transformation and its linearity property, existence theorem, shifting theorem



April Week 2

Laplace transform of derivatives and integrals, differentiation and integration of Laplace transformations



April Week 3

Convolution theorem, inverse Laplace transformation

Inverse Laplace transformation of derivative and integrals

April Week 4

Solution of ordinary differential equation using Laplace transformation, fourier transformation and its linearity property

May Week 1

Shifting and modulation of Fourier transform, convolution theorem and related problems

May Week 2

Parseval identity for Fourier transform, solution of ordinary differential equation using Fourier transform

May Week 3









Name of Assistant Professor

Sonu Rani

Class and Semester

B.A. Semester-2







Week - 1

Gradient of a scalar point function, geometrical interpretation of grad F ,

Week – 2

character of gradient as a point function.

Week – 3

Divergence and curl of vector point function, characters of Div fr and Curl fr as point function, examples.

Week – 4

Gradient, divergence and curl of sums and product and their related vector identities. Laplacian operator


Week - 1

Orthogonal curvilinear coordinates Conditions for orthogonality fundamental triad of mutually orthogonal unit vectors.

Week – 2

Gradient, Divergence, Curl

Week – 3

Laplacian operators in terms of orthogonal curvilinear coordinates, Cylindrical co-ordinates and Spherical co- ordinates

Week – 4

Vector integration; Line integral. Surface integral, Volume integral.


Week – 1

Theorems of Gauss, Green & Stokes and problems based on these theorems

Week – 2

General equation of second degree,Tracing of conics,Tangent at any point to the Conic

Week – 3

Chord of contact,pole of line to conic,director circle of conic

Week - 4

Revision and Class test





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