and Development Cell
This college has
developed conducive environment for the research and competitive exams also. A Research
and Development Cell (R&DC) cell has been established at the college level
in which students are guided to prepare for competitive exams as well as for
writing research papers. Few students have been writing research papers at
Graduate level only. There is establishment of GIS Laboratory under the edges of
Geography Department in the college which is helpful for the use of
Geoinformatics in research and development. Use of IT in Computer Labs has been
assisting them in writing research papers efficiently. Huge number of students
has enrolled in higher education and pursuing their research. There is scope of
development of incubation centre in near future. Startups have been initialized
by students related to designing, Tailoring and Beauty Parlor etc. with the
mentorship of professors associated with Entrepreneur and competition cells. Apart
from these many students are guided for writing long essay in Hindi and English
language to develop the constructive habit of thinking, drafting, skill
writing, technical knowhow by mean of surrounding atmosphere.